Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What Causes Polyps In Gallbladder?

And opposing BB BRADESCO

Economic Journal 01/06/2011 Brazil - Ana Paula Ribeiro and Vanessa Correia

already in fear of losing the administration of the Postal Bank, and thus the presence of 100% of Brazilian municipalities, Bradesco has accelerated in recent months open points care in places where the stores only had the post office to serve the public.
According to the institution, with the recent openings of Expresso and advanced service centers, which have lower implementation costs than a traditional agency, Bradesco follows with presence in all municipalities, even with the loss of the Post in January.

EM10-year partnership, the bank opened 11 million accounts in the premises of the Post Office - these account holders remain as clients of Bradesco, even with the end of the partnership. These clients, 93% earn up to three minimum wages and nearly 80% by a salary, according to information from Postal and Telegraph Company (ECT).

"The Bank of Brazil will have to make heavy investment, if you want to attract customers who were loyal by Bradesco in 10-year relationship," says Erivelton Rodrigues, president of Austin Rating.

For him, Bradesco bet on partnerships with retailers in addition to opening of ATMs (BAPs) - whose cost is less than the opening of traditional agencies - to maintain its presence in the municipalities identified as profitable. "During the partnership with the Postal Bank, Bradesco was able to identify the municipalities that generate a higher volume of operations and, of course, use this information to counteract the rise of the BB in small towns."

Francisco Kops, an analyst at financial sector Planner Brokers, believes that the coup was led by Bradesco hard. "In contrast, the Bank of Brazil will have to monetize the operation to show it was worth paying a price by the active high, "said Kops. Already

Itaú's strategy was difficult to understand. "The only reason which explains this offer of $ 0.01 is to press competitors to bid higher. Bradesco would not have presented the initial value if he thought that Itaú will not participate, "said Roberts, of Austin.


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