Thursday, June 2, 2011

Proposed Divorce Judgement


portal Decision Report 02/06/2011

With a focus on maintaining the safety and security of data and information for your e-consumers, Renner took the certification seal Armored Site. Implemented in the virtual store from your network revival, which occurred in October 2010, the seal of security certification attests that daily tests are made that seek to find security holes in its infrastructure and could be exploited by online criminals, and show consumers that the new shopping environment protects personal information and credit card customers.

To ensure the site's operations and reduce the risks of fraud are conducted daily vulnerability analysis, auditing the data contained in the portal, ensuring information security. According to Marcelo Vaz, Manager of E-commerce Renner, with this investment the company aims to strengthen among its users the concern of the network with the security of customer information and provide them a more reliable environment for shopping.

"Before we adopted the seal, we did market research, led by a specialist, who identified at the base researched the need to offer greater security to our customers", says Vaz. Lojas Renner is part of Site Shielded Alert platform. Upon entering the virtual store, e-consumer checks the Green Seal logo on the browser and gives the security of the site.


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