Thursday, June 2, 2011

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portal InfoMoney 01/06/2011

The Brazilian consumers must spend $ 85 on average on gifts this Valentine's Day, according to estimates by the president FCDLESP (Federation of Shopkeepers of the State of São Paulo) Mauricio Stainoff.

As the average ticket that will be spent this year increased compared to the same period in 2010, retailers also expect increased sales, about 10% compared last year.

According Stainoff, the sectors that must bill with the date are the clothing, perfumes, shoes and mobile phones. Men and women

analysis of Stainoff, on Valentine's Day, the willingness to consume increases, as the desire to please their partner is very evident today. However, the behavior of men and women at the time of purchase, is a little different.

The women tend to spend a little more, due to their greater desire to please the partner, especially with attention to detail. Men, in turn, enjoy the time to invest in jewelry and accessories, which, with its expensive prices, promote trade.

São Paulo: Santos and interior

The expectation is that sales are also increasing in the interior, but with variations that will depend on the region. Sorocaba estimates an increase of 5% growth, while Jundiaí waiting for something like 8%.

Jundiaí In one of the factors that explain the increased expectation kits are manufactured for retailers. According to the chairman of CDL (Chamber of Shopkeepers) Jundiaí Edson Severo, traders have one associated with this kit cost $ 50, which may boost sales.

In Sorocaba, the chairman of CDL City, Antonio Almeida, shows young people as responsible for the increase in sales. The concern in this age group to please, which makes them spend more. Married couples in turn has another type of concern, and therefore, the celebrations are simpler. The average value of the gift must be $ 70 and splitting the favor to increase the options for shopping.

In Santos, the spending will be somewhat smaller than the inside with about $ 50. Guaruja Traders expect a 10% increase in sales, and evaluated that the perfume and food industries have great representation in spending this date.


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