Thursday, June 2, 2011

Price To Reupholster Boat


Valor Economico 02/06/2011 - Adriana Cotias

The major credit bureaus want to overthrow the country's project of creation of the positive automatic authorization to give the consumer businesses of less traditional databases have access to the profile of good paying debts. On the eve of the deadline for presidential approval to the project, the National Association of Credit bureaus (ANBC), which comprises retail entities, Serasa and Equifax, called the veto of this and other points in the project.
The chairman of the board of the entity, Silvânio Covas, also director of legal Serasa Experian, denies that the suggestion of veto in the sector is an attempt to secure the reservation market. He argues that what apparently was designed to democratize the credit profile of the consumer in different bureaus may be an impediment to encourage banks and financial record of their clients. This is because in case of damage to the register, the text provides for the joint accountability of the sources that originate the information on who to consult and bureaus. "The authorization blind may facilitate entry of bureaus that have no ability to attract customers, technology or assets to support any claims. "

The organization sent a letter to the ministries of Finance, Justice and Civil House, authorities usually heard at the time of presidential approval.

In mature markets like the U.S., consumers do not need to authorize the inclusion of your credit profile in the positive. This is done automatically and the information is shared among bureaus, a model that differs from Brazil. Under pressure from consumer bodies, executive and legislative branches agreed that voluntary compliance would be the best way forward in the proposal. Outside, it requires companies managing these data pre-minimum requirements for technical training, says Burrows.

In Brazil, where until now there is only a restrictive market for credit information, or to register negative, is the bank or financial delinquency that has to choose which bureau will send the information.

Serasa Experian is one of the largest databases in the country, having as a direct competitor to Equifax, you just join the Boa Vista Services. Marcel Solimeo, an economist at ACSP believes that the government should find a way to secure the information bureaus in the open, but the potential risk of misuse of data exists. "Who made the amendment reasoned that the Brazilian market with only three bureaus, but it was a loophole that allows new databases arise without structure."

Covas complete the ideal would be that the consumer at the time of accession to the positive list, indicate with which other bureaus of the information may be shared.


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