Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Competitive Mixed Wrestling Black


Online portal Value 31 / 05/2011 - Rafael Bitencourt

The Brazilian Post Office (ECT), the Post concluded, recently the selection of the financial institution that will act in partnership with the state over the next five years, the provision of banking services through Banco Postal. The bank was the winner of Brazil Bank which submitted the bid of $ 2.3 billion. By
According to the rules of the tender, the bids should be established by the "Value of Access to Basic Business", which had no minimum limit. However, this figure does not include $ 500 million to be paid for the use of post offices and the transfers on the service fees over the term of the contract - currently estimated at $ 350 million per year.

were entered in the bidding Bank of Brazil, Caixa Economica Federal, Bradesco and Itau. Once the first phase, Itaú was downgraded to submit a bid of $ 0.01. At the time, remained in contention the Bank of Brazil, with $ 1 billion bid, Bradesco, with R $ 1.55 billion and cash, with $ 1.2 billion to submit figures by envelopes.

the second round of bidding, the bids were made in speakerphone. The box gave up the contest in the fifth round, at which time the bids were approaching the level of R $ 2 billion. The definition of the winner was only in the 12th round, when he presented the winning bid. The last proposal of Bradesco was R $ 2.25 billion, in the 11th round.

The Post limited the participation of small financial institutions to require participants to certify the total assets less than U.S. $ 21.6 billion and shareholders equity of at least $ 2.16 billion recorded in balance.

The Postal Bank is seen by participants of the bidding process as an opportunity to expand the service network through mail. The services listed in the bidding range from opening checking and savings accounts through withdrawals and benefit payments from Social Security, light and water bills by credit card solicitations, and loans to foreign exchange transactions.

The return of the investment bank hired involve the use of all technology and operational platform of 6,195 post offices that already rely on the Postal Bank. The value corresponds to the right to use these agencies should correspond be paid early in the operation of the service on January 2, 2012.

Proposals commercial companies were formed by the value set by the post office for the Banco Postal branches, plus the value of access to basic business, which must be paid within 10 days after signing the contract, and, finally, the tariffs corresponding to services that are itemized in table service of the tender document and is estimated in the current with Bradesco in about $ 350 million per year.

According to the Post Office advice, Bradesco knocked down 10 years ago the Postal Bank contract with a vendor bid of $ 200 million, the round single tender. At the time, the value exceeded by almost three times the runner's proposal, then the Itaú.


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