Thursday, June 2, 2011

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portal iG 02/06/2011 - Denyse Godoy

Trying to please your current customers and attract new ones, the banks issuing credit cards have rushed to announce their efforts to translate the new rules for use of money plastic, which came into force yesterday in tangible benefits.

Santander and Banco do Brazil are ahead for users of cards purchased until May 31, 2011 that the changes would affect only since June 2012, as limiting the number tariffs applied to only five (annuity; fee for issuance of duplicate card, for cash withdrawals, the use of plastic to pay bills, and when the request for emergency assessment of the credit limit) and detail, in the making, Data on transactions. These conditions were only valid for contracts signed immediately on September 1. June 2011 onwards.

The English bank will also expand its rewards program, which allows customers to redeem points earned on purchases for prizes and airline miles for all cards (except for the simplest model, which by definition can not count with such privileges).

Brazilians, in turn, ended up with charges on overseas purchases and the redemption of points in its loyalty program.

Other financial institutions extended some benefits of their current cards for new ones, even in basic mode.

Plastic Itaú offers 50% discount at movie theaters, parks, soccer games and plays.

The Bradesco's 50% reduction on tickets, popcorn and soda at the theater chain Cinemark, Bradesco and privileges at the Teatro possibility of advance purchase tickets for concerts and events sponsored by the bank.

All pats currently distributed by HSBC cards are also available for your new basic type, such as discounts on purchases at partner stores.

Financial institutions must now show in their sites and agencies, a complete list of existing cards and all fees and interest charged. Comparing the options, consumers can choose what best suits your needs.

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Baguette portal 02/06/2011 - Gláucia Civa

The Gertec, specializing in banking and commercial automation, just innovate its portfolio with new products POS G-5000, PPC 910, Quick Search and Display Advertising.

The Quick Search is a software for polls that allows customers to generate data on your computer in minutes, with graphs and tabulations for further evaluation.

The solution also offered via monthly subscription, online account management with the results in a unified way, ie: the client can analyze the data across a network of stores, regardless of their location, eg.

The service also offers installation, support and maintenance during the period.

The PPC 910 is a device for conducting transactions with credit cards and debit cards as well as transactions in financial institutions.

has versions with USB or serial interface and read magnetic cards or chip and relies on encryption feature for passwords, and security systems against data breach (anti-cloning).

The product is the new Pin Pad Gertec, model evolution PPC 900 and PPC 800, already used by banks, networks of buyers Credit cards and debit cards, supermarket chains, drugstores, bookstores, restaurants, stores and department stores, among others, throughout the country, according to the manufacturer. Already the

Display Advertising is a solution for media promotional screen with 7 "high resolution, high definition sound and media manager software that allows users to build their program schedule of the videos and images to promote the products of a store at point of sale. The product comes

mounting bracket for shelves, shelves, furniture and other commercial environments.

G-5000 POS, in turn, is equipment that brings up two slots for chips distinct cellular operators, allowing to operate with contingency and avoiding service downtime - if the operators provide a low signal connectivity.

The product comes with Linux and has a communication interface GPRS, dial and ethernet, thermal printer 100 mm / s, magnetic card reader and chip card reader.

The company also introduced the Smart Media, media management terminal that allows for the dissemination of information to customers, product launches and promotions, among other actions.

Associated with a TV or monitor a video and media management software is used in displaying menus electronics, programming outlets such as concerts, events and more.

Innovations Portfolio include, in addition, the TEC 55 programmable keyboard, with keys and functional division of the graphical display to display up to 132 characters.

The product is targeted to the operation of commercial applications in the operation of customer service at the checkout in supermarkets, department stores, gas stations, restaurants, building material stores and pharmacies and other similar establishments.

The list of news account, yet, with TC 505 WiFi equipment pricing query that accesses the database of the store and tells the user the price of consumer products found.

The terminal is equipped with bar code reader and suitable for reading labels, for example, chilled or frozen products and in small print material.

The solution provides graphical display for presentation of results of consultation and communication with the server through wireless interface, WiFi 802.11B and G. The

Gertec is specialized in manufacturing automation solutions for commercial and banking, among other markets.

The company has produced more than 2.5 million of products used by customers in Brazil and other countries.

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portal Decision Report 02/06/2011

With a focus on maintaining the safety and security of data and information for your e-consumers, Renner took the certification seal Armored Site. Implemented in the virtual store from your network revival, which occurred in October 2010, the seal of security certification attests that daily tests are made that seek to find security holes in its infrastructure and could be exploited by online criminals, and show consumers that the new shopping environment protects personal information and credit card customers.

To ensure the site's operations and reduce the risks of fraud are conducted daily vulnerability analysis, auditing the data contained in the portal, ensuring information security. According to Marcelo Vaz, Manager of E-commerce Renner, with this investment the company aims to strengthen among its users the concern of the network with the security of customer information and provide them a more reliable environment for shopping.

"Before we adopted the seal, we did market research, led by a specialist, who identified at the base researched the need to offer greater security to our customers", says Vaz. Lojas Renner is part of Site Shielded Alert platform. Upon entering the virtual store, e-consumer checks the Green Seal logo on the browser and gives the security of the site.

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Economic Journal 02/06/2011 Brazil - Ana Paula Ribeiro

The Bank of Brazil hopes to win between nine and ten million customers in five years that will administer the Postal Bank. But the vice president of Retail and Distribution, Alexandre Corrêa Abreu, recognizes that the first few months will be shortages. "No start with high volume, but we believe we are in full operation in 12 months, with levels similar to today, "he says.
The executive explained that despite the high outlay, this contribution will allow the BB forward a proposed strategy for 2015, which is to be in all Brazilian municipalities. The BB 3170 has branches in cities, counting the corresponding em4.389municípios is present. But the Postal Bank not only operates in 225 locations. "The revenue we get supplants that investment. We fail to invest and allocate energy expansion network ", explains, adding that the market value is, since the winning bid was only $ 50 million higher than Bradesco, who was also in dispute.

According to Corrêa Abreu, each agency has an average cost Implementation of $ 1 million, and the complementary - compact model that works in conjunction with a correspondent bank - require less input. The plan was to open 250 additional branches in 2011. "Let's do a reassessment," he said. Since the goal open 200 branches and 150 traditional style - for the public high-income is maintained.

With the Postal Bank, BB wants to capture the low-income public. For it will offer, in addition to traditional banking services as account opening and receipt of payment, micro-credit and make the capture of prospotas financing of federal program "My House, My Life." The executive said the bank will talk with the Post Office about the possibility of distributing cards Elo - flag created in partnership with Bradesco intended for low-income and the distribution of benefits from government social programs is a "strong chance" the explore.

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portal Secs 02/06/2011

Previsul The insurer has just repaginate card customers' benefits the insurer. The benefit is available to the insured Previsul and their dependents, may be requested through the website or through the broker

Currently there are over 73,000 card users benefits they earn discounts on medicines, consultations, gyms, hotels, restaurants, parks and more. There are more than 13,000 partner institutions throughout the states of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Distrito Federal, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Parana, Bahia and Ceara. The full list of participating partners is available at agency integrated marketing solutions Edenred's relationship, which also includes the brand Ticket in Brazil, Extends Partnership with MasterCard to issue cards and passes the awards pre-paid, the Present Perfect. The agency will be responsible for all stages of the process from the issue until the operation of the credits and debits, release, balance inquiry, card design, among others. The beginning of the operation now has six thousand active cards through approximately 160 client companies.
Among the expansion plans is the possibility of partnerships with other channels to increase the portfolio client and outsourcing to other agencies that work with products to promote, since Accentiv'Mimética serves as Program Manager, which allows the agency to act as managing large projects prepaid awards.

"The launch in conjunction with the Accentiv'Mimética is a milestone for MasterCard, because with it licensed the first non-financial incentives in the country, which shows innovation and flexibility in our business. The partnership is also aligned with the MasterCard's strategy to develop all solutions to the prepaid segment in Brazil, a market that currently represents in America America $ 12 billion in opportunities and may reach $ 81 billion in 2017, "explains Alexandre Magnani, Vice President of Business Development at MasterCard Brazil.

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Valor Economico 02/06/2011 - Adriana Cotias

The major credit bureaus want to overthrow the country's project of creation of the positive automatic authorization to give the consumer businesses of less traditional databases have access to the profile of good paying debts. On the eve of the deadline for presidential approval to the project, the National Association of Credit bureaus (ANBC), which comprises retail entities, Serasa and Equifax, called the veto of this and other points in the project.
The chairman of the board of the entity, Silvânio Covas, also director of legal Serasa Experian, denies that the suggestion of veto in the sector is an attempt to secure the reservation market. He argues that what apparently was designed to democratize the credit profile of the consumer in different bureaus may be an impediment to encourage banks and financial record of their clients. This is because in case of damage to the register, the text provides for the joint accountability of the sources that originate the information on who to consult and bureaus. "The authorization blind may facilitate entry of bureaus that have no ability to attract customers, technology or assets to support any claims. "

The organization sent a letter to the ministries of Finance, Justice and Civil House, authorities usually heard at the time of presidential approval.

In mature markets like the U.S., consumers do not need to authorize the inclusion of your credit profile in the positive. This is done automatically and the information is shared among bureaus, a model that differs from Brazil. Under pressure from consumer bodies, executive and legislative branches agreed that voluntary compliance would be the best way forward in the proposal. Outside, it requires companies managing these data pre-minimum requirements for technical training, says Burrows.

In Brazil, where until now there is only a restrictive market for credit information, or to register negative, is the bank or financial delinquency that has to choose which bureau will send the information.

Serasa Experian is one of the largest databases in the country, having as a direct competitor to Equifax, you just join the Boa Vista Services. Marcel Solimeo, an economist at ACSP believes that the government should find a way to secure the information bureaus in the open, but the potential risk of misuse of data exists. "Who made the amendment reasoned that the Brazilian market with only three bureaus, but it was a loophole that allows new databases arise without structure."

Covas complete the ideal would be that the consumer at the time of accession to the positive list, indicate with which other bureaus of the information may be shared.

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DCI 02/06/2011 - Gleyma Lima and Agencies

One of the members of Sugarloaf, Abilio Diniz may be looking to buy also stores Chest of Happiness, in addition to be in negotiations to take over the management of the Brazilian subsidiary of Carrefour. According to market sources, this would not be a problem. In addition, the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (Cade) would welcome this negotiation, because strengthen the market. Much more inclusive, it would please the Brazilian government, because it creates competition in the retail segment, said sources close to the case for the DCI. For
Who does not is enjoying a winning competitor to supermarkets and consumer electronics is the French Casino, which took action after that.

According to press reports, Diniz should receive the summons from the court until tomorrow or Monday. The shares have a maturity of 30 days to appoint the arbitrators of the case. At a shareholders' agreement, Abilio Diniz and Casino indicate an arbitrator each. A third judge will be appointed by both.

To soften the "malaise" Diniz sent a letter to the company's executive chairman, Eneas Pestana, to comment on the company's drop in the Bovespa index that says "to believe the truth will prevail" soon and asks the team to keep "serenity" in the face of falling stock prices. The businessman also suggests that the company is under "attack" and will do whatever I can to protect it. "You know me very well. I am doing everything that is in my power to leave you and the company protected against any attack. And at the end of the letter explains what you're doing indirectly" under the hood. "You also know that when put the interests of the company and its shareholders above any personal interest and would never consider anything that would harm the company, "he concludes.


Cia Brasileira de Distribuição-Pão de Açúcar, Brazil's largest retailer, goes to accumulated the biggest drop in two business days of the last ten months. The dispute between the drivers the company made the Raymond James & Associates Inc. downgrade its recommendation.

The action fell 3.3 percent to 12:00, trading at R $ 61.10. Since May 30, the cumulative loss is 8.7 percent. Nevertheless, the actions at the end of the day had the smallest fall day and closed at R $ 62.30 a decline of 1.43%.


Last Tuesday the French Casino, a member of Abilio Diniz Brazilian Sugar Loaf, appealed to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), requesting an arbitration against the Diniz family for the group to meet the agreements made in November 2006. However, Diniz disclosed letter denying arbitration. In a statement he claims not to know anything. "So far I have not received any communication regarding the request for arbitration. He also stated that not violated any provision of the shareholder agreements filed with the Company or of other contracts between the controlling shareholders," says the partner.

Dispute arbitration are always shrouded in secrecy, under the shareholders agreement, with it, no one knows exactly what were the orders of punishment to the Casino Diniz family.

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Valor Economico 02/06/2011 - Daniele Madureira

Marcos Samaha deployed in Brazil for accurate five months the overall policy of the world's largest retailer, Walmart, dubbed the "everyday low price." In practice this means that the network did away with promotions and began to adopt its lowest price possible product on the shelf. But the results were a little bitter in those first 150 days: one digit sales fell compared to the same period last year.
attributes the drop in sales "to consumers floating, wandering from one shop to another in search of deals, but they are a minority in the network."

Its major goal is that in presenting the results of fiscal 2011 in February, Walmart Brazil is not mentioned in a derogatory manner. The company's board, the United States, already said he was disappointed with the results of the Brazilian subsidiary, which did not follow the group's performance (operating profit of the subsidiary in the fourth quarter fell 41.7% while the world went up 7, 3%). "Working day and night to not have to hear this one more comment," said Samaha, yesterday, to value.

Samaha ensures that it is possible reverse the decline in sales, and demonstrate to consumers that the commitment of Walmart with the lowest price, always, is more advantageous.

The network began an aggressive marketing campaign, which invited consumers to competing networks to make the same purchase at Walmart. Customer choice has been audited by consulting Unique. "He had said that consumers, shopping at Walmart, could save a salary per year," said Samaha.

policy of "everyday low price", which includes increasing the number of items from its own brand and strengthening partnerships with suppliers, would have brought some positive results, he said.

Yesterday at the annual meeting of officials from Walmart, held in Barnhill Arena, University of Arkansas (USA), Samaha said that since the practice was adopted, there was a 36% reduction in complaints about the product price (which varied due to the gondola promotion), and 3.9% increase in positive customer connections, praising the initiative of the retailer.

This year, the company will invest $ 1.2 billion to open 80 stores in Brazil, 60% of them with the flag All Day, neighborhood store, and Maxxi, wholesaler. Almost two thirds of the stores will be opened in the Northeast. This is a new position, with special attention consumers in the C, D and E.

The movement between Sugarloaf and Carrefour, Samaha says it will not "buy market share" at any cost. Walmart came to hold talks with Carrefour, two years ago about a possible sale of the French operation in Brazil. "Each of our acquisitions is highly evaluated," says the executive, who complains about the price of retail chains. "It's all very inflated in Brazil."

This year, the company will invest $ 1.2 billion to open 80 stores, 60% with the Flag Every Day, from neighborhood shop, and Maxxi, wholesaler. Almost two thirds of the stores will be open in the Northeast. Is the new focus of Walmart, returned to classes C, D and E.

The reporter traveled at the invitation of Walmart

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portal Maxpress 01/06/2011

Caixa Economica Federal and Visa launch, on Wednesday (01), in Brasilia, the Visa Infinite Card BOX. The new product, which offers unique and differentiated services, targeted at high-income customers, will be marketed in 2222 CASH agencies around the country.
Also with the release of Infinite card, BOX maintains the position to charge the lowest fees and interest rates in the market, and complements its portfolio, delivering products to suit all segments of society. The annuity will be R $ 495.00, below the average prices charged by the market for this variant of the card.

Launching Promotion

By December this year, CAIXA is having a promotion: New customers will be exempted from 50% of the first annuity of the Infinite. Those who already have the Visa card BOX and switch to the new product will be exempt 100% of the first annuity.


Benefits One of the distinct Cash Visa Infinite Card is the CASH Reward Program Points, which grants a bonus of 8,000 points early in the program to customers who purchase the card and 2.2 points more for CASH every dollar spent on this variant. The points earned in can be redeemed for airline tickets TAM, GOL and TAP.

BOX Infinite card is ideal for people who travel frequently, and seek practicality and convenience to their means of payment. Among the advantages are: travel insurance and travel assistance, free issue of the certificate of Schengen - mandatory for anyone who arrives in Europe, concierge services, like reservations for restaurants and hotels, and buying tickets at concerts and sporting events. The card also offers coverage in case of delay or cancellation of trips.

Who is Infinite client is assisted in locating lost luggage and even refund in case of loss. There is also the rental car insurance. If there are any medical emergency while traveling, the customer need not worry about the cost of treatment or travel costs for family members. The condition for entitlement to benefits is that the Infinite card box is the means of payment in the purchase of tickets or rent a car.

price protection insurance and extended warranty

The benefit of the product that draws more attention is the price of insurance protection: when the customer makes a purchase with the card BOX Infinite, and within 30 days, is the same product at a lower price, Visa will refund the difference. Another advantage of the card when the customer buys a product, with Automatically, the original warranty provided by manufacturer, is extended up to one year.

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portal iG 06/01/2011 - State Agency

iTunes service, sale of digital content from Apple, should arrive in Brazil through traditional retail, in October this year. Networks such as Fnac, Extra and FastShop will sell cards (in the amounts of $ 10, $ 20 and $ 40) that can be exchanged for digital goods from Apple's online store. The sale via pre-paid credits, has the function to officially launch the service in the country
The model of credit - similar to mobile phones - is already used by Apple in various markets and is best known as a "gift card (gift card, in English). A Portuguese site is in development for the premiere of service in the country

Currently, the iTunes store in Brazil is limited to selling applications for devices such as iPhone, iPad Touch and iPod. Built in 2003, iTunes now has 60% market share music by Internet in the United States, where each song costs $ 2.40 at most.

With a collection of 14 million songs and 2500 movies, online shops like Apple's are seen as one of the few boards salvation of music and film industries, which are losing sales as piracy and downloading gain space .

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portal Maxpress 01/06/2011 - release CDI Corporate Communications

From now on, users of the cards Ticket (Ticket Restaurant, Food Ticket, Ticket and Ticket Car Partner) have a more unique offering of the Benefit Club. In partnership with Car System, a market leader in the segment of vehicle tracking via satellite, the ticket offers for club members, discounts of 15% over the blockers and scanners for cars and motorbikes. Plus: interest-free installments at 5x the credit card. A Car System has more than 200,000 products installed and has the highest rate of recovery vehicles, which means safety for assets in Brazil.

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portal Serasa 06/01/2011 Experian

Serasa Indicator Perspective of Experian Consumer Credit rose 0.3% in April, reaching the level of 99.6. It was the second consecutive monthly increase after a sequence of ten uninterrupted monthly declines. How

Indicator Perspective Serasa Experian Credit Business decreased by 0.6% in April 2011, the seventh consecutive monthly decline for this indicator, reaching a value of 99.6.

This result indicates that the current trend of deceleration in consumer credit should cause a more noticeable slowdown in economic activity, especially during the second half of this year, and also put pressure on the credit back to productive activity. Indeed, in a scenario the slower growth of the Brazilian economy, the demand from companies for working capital also tends to grow more slowly, economists note Serasa Experian.

Indicators Methodology Serasa Experian Perspective The purpose of the indicators Serasa Experian Perspective is foreseeing a time horizon of six months, at which stage of the cycle are the following economic variables: (i) activity economic, (ii) real concessions on consumer credit, (iii) royal grants of credit to businesses, (iv) default by the consumer and (v) insolvency of enterprises. In general, economic variables exhibit cycles consisting of four phases: (1) expansion, (2) reversal, (3) and crisis (4) recovery. Indicators Serasa Experian Perspective show precisely the cyclical position for the next six months, each of these variables. Each indicator

Serasa Experian Perspective is built by analyzing the explanatory power and advance explanation from a universe of 325 economic and financial variables on the variable-goal. To this end, all 325 variables "candidates" as well as the variable-goal were filtered using the wavelet technique, allowing us to study the relationships between the "candidates" and the variable-goal on several time scales. Today, the wavelets are adopted in various fields such as physics (molecular dynamics, astrophysics, geophysics - earthquake prediction, quantum mechanics), image processing (EEG and DNA analysis, weather, speech recognition and artificial vision) and compression data (JPEG 2000 uses this technique.)

If we use the time scales ranging from 16 to 32 months and 32 to 64 months, which feature tracks the movements of business cycles.

For each time scale were selected, of 325 variables "candidates," those who anticipate significantly, the variable-goal from 6 to 18 months in advance. Selected variables "candidates", they were aggregated through the application of principal components, after being placed in the same phase of 6 months compared to the variable-goal.

The composite score, ie in each time scale, the projection models between the variable-objective and main components, placed in base 100, is the indicator Serasa Experian Perspective.

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portal InfoMoney 01/06/2011

The digital compensation checks, which came into force in May, already represents 60% of compensation made since March, according to Compe (Centralized Clearing Cheques).
What prevails today is the truncation system - check scanning through digital images. With that, the Fed eliminates sending paper checks to the organization made in the pouch. The idea is to increase safety and avoid human errors in the process.

"We estimate $ 300 million in savings from the elimination of these steps just physical," he said in a statement the director of M2SYS, Gian Franco Nercolini. The company is a leading provider of national banks to truncate.

scanning process reduces the number of frauds that caused a loss of $ 1.2 billion last year, according to Febraban (Brazilian Federation of Banks). Furthermore, the process reduces the cost of transport and logistics pouches for handling, security and archiving of these documents paper. New process

The new model established by the Central Bank provides that checks be scanned into their own banks, and can then be destroyed right there in its original form. According Nercolini, banks adopted the truncation hybrid.

Rather than scan checks in their own points of capture, these institutions refer to the one centralized its own, and from this point, realize the capture and make transactions via a digital Compe.

"This model may be more practical for banks at an early stage but in the medium and long term, the trend is to migrate all truncation decentralized, "he said in a statement.

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portal Baguette 01/06/2011 - Guilherme Neves

Banrisul Customers may, from July, shopping sites in paying directly via home banking without using your credit card. The system, you can access some 2,500 establishments, including retail, tourism services, sales of jewelry and downloads., one of the largest online retailers in the world, inaccessible to users Brazil's no international credit card, will be the flagship publication of the partnership between Safety and Banrisul.

"People have money, they want to buy, but do not use the card for fear of having their data stolen. We offer a way to circumvent it, "says Donald Wieselberg, vice president of business development at SafetyPay.

Wieselberg announced the partnership at the 4th International Forum on IT, sponsored by Banrisul.

Who's afraid of the web?

One of the attractions of the system, explains Wieselberg is security.

Numbers-Bit consulting and indicate that 40 million people in Brazil moved the account over the Internet in 2010. That is, many depositors trust the security of virtual addresses of their banks.

"At the time of using the card is that the story changes. People distrust the safety of shopping online, "says the executive.

According to the e-Bit, the number of Brazilians who use e-commerce in 2010 was 23 million, nearly half of those who underwent operations via internet banking. How does

By SafetyPay system, no banking information is stored in the user store. The only data used are the name of establishment, amount and invoice number. In the demonstration

made by Wieselberg during the forum, just choose the item and select the SafetyPay as payment. The system directs the user directly to Banrisul, which were then entered the information normal use of home banking.

"We just say we were paid so much for making this real and that the store can now release the product to the customer. No risk of having data stolen by an attack on data from Amazon, for example. Everything is between the bank and customer, "says the executive.

All transactions are made in the currency of partner bank, converted automatically.

Reinforcement in addition to online

favor customers, says Wieselberg the SafetyPay should give a force to the area of \u200b\u200binternet banking Banrisul.

"You can, for example, do promotions for major brands to customers of a specific bank, giving an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bInternet," the executive designs.

In addition, part of the percentage of establishments charge is passed on to the banks.

Banrisul and Safety in numbers

In 2010, customers of the state bank made 99.7 million transactions via office or home banking, moving R $ 78.6 billion - an increase of 21.9% compared to the volume of transactions 2009.

The bank has 3 million account holders. Last year, Banrisul achieved net income of R $ 741.2 million - up 37% from a year earlier.

Currently SafetyPay has partnerships with 18 banks, including Banrisul for which negotiations began in December 2010. In Brazil, HSBC also is a partner.
Worldwide, 100 million account holders are using the payment system.

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portal Value Online 01/06/2011 - Ana Luisa Westphalen

The new Boa Vista Services, which took over operation of American Equifax in Brazil, predicts revenues of $ 500 million this year. With
The consolidation of IT platforms, which will include commercial transactions of consumers and firms in the country, should occur by year's end, the president of Boa Vista Services, Dorival Dourado Júnior.

The deal - with an estimated value between $ 225 million and $ 300 million - was done through an exchange of shares, led by TMG Capital, which has the function of managing shareholder of the company. The ACSP continues as majority shareholder, with about 60% of capital, while Equifax will get a share equivalent to 15%, plus a seat on the board.

But the U.S. company, best known for the corporate segment, is interested in expanding their participation. "The market for credit information in Brazil is of strategic importance for us," said the president of Equifax International, Paulino Barros.

an eye on the implementation of positive credit information, driving the market bureaus (Databases) domestic credit, the company is already making plans to go public in the future.

As president of TMG Capital, Luiz Francisco Viana, an IPO (initial public offering, its acronym in English) is on the horizon since October last year, when the fund joined to form the ACSP Boa Vista Services, along the Commercial Association of Parana, Store Directors Club of Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Shopkeepers and Porto Alegre.

"In a time of market bureaus so important, the plans are to keep the door open to the IPO," he said, while claiming that it could happen "in question of years. " The executive provides a great appetite for credit information industry, since there are no companies listed on this segment.
Gold sees potential for consumer credit information in Brazil as something between $ 2 billion and $ 2.5 billion per year.

He said the new services Boa Vista is already prepared in terms of technological and operational capacity to operate the positive list, which is still pending presidential approval. But he believes it will take some time for the new bureau from operating effectively.

"We need to mature as a society and needs to be done intensive work with the consumer, "he notes. That's because, unlike the restrictive registration, consumers need to authorize the collection of credit information that will compose the new account. The company

result of a merger with Equifax will continue to operate under the brand Boa Vista Services, based in the building of the ACSP in downtown São Paulo.

With the merger, the staff will total 900 professionals, considering the ten regional offices that the American company already owned in the country. As part of the agreement, Equifax also makes available to the new company $ 100 million for investments.

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portal InfoMoney 01/06/2011

The Brazilian consumers must spend $ 85 on average on gifts this Valentine's Day, according to estimates by the president FCDLESP (Federation of Shopkeepers of the State of São Paulo) Mauricio Stainoff.

As the average ticket that will be spent this year increased compared to the same period in 2010, retailers also expect increased sales, about 10% compared last year.

According Stainoff, the sectors that must bill with the date are the clothing, perfumes, shoes and mobile phones. Men and women

analysis of Stainoff, on Valentine's Day, the willingness to consume increases, as the desire to please their partner is very evident today. However, the behavior of men and women at the time of purchase, is a little different.

The women tend to spend a little more, due to their greater desire to please the partner, especially with attention to detail. Men, in turn, enjoy the time to invest in jewelry and accessories, which, with its expensive prices, promote trade.

São Paulo: Santos and interior

The expectation is that sales are also increasing in the interior, but with variations that will depend on the region. Sorocaba estimates an increase of 5% growth, while Jundiaí waiting for something like 8%.

Jundiaí In one of the factors that explain the increased expectation kits are manufactured for retailers. According to the chairman of CDL (Chamber of Shopkeepers) Jundiaí Edson Severo, traders have one associated with this kit cost $ 50, which may boost sales.

In Sorocaba, the chairman of CDL City, Antonio Almeida, shows young people as responsible for the increase in sales. The concern in this age group to please, which makes them spend more. Married couples in turn has another type of concern, and therefore, the celebrations are simpler. The average value of the gift must be $ 70 and splitting the favor to increase the options for shopping.

In Santos, the spending will be somewhat smaller than the inside with about $ 50. Guaruja Traders expect a 10% increase in sales, and evaluated that the perfume and food industries have great representation in spending this date.

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Financial Executives portal 01/06/2011

The cielo, a company specializing in solutions using electronic payments in Brazil and Latin America, announced that its ADRs (American Depositary Receipts) began today (01) to be traded on the OTCQX International Premier , the segment's highest U.S. OTC (OTC).
Cielo launched its program of Level I ADRs in March , 2010, each ADR represents one ordinary share. Banco Bradesco is the custodian of shares in Brazil and Deutsche Bank, the depositary bank in the United States, which will also act as the Principal American Liaison (PAL) of the Company, or be responsible for providing guidance on the requirements of the OTCQX.

Built four years ago, the OTCQX platform is an alternative for companies to access the capital markets of the United States without the expense of listing on traditional scholarship. The financial and real-time quotes of the Company are available on and

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portal CardClipping

The OCBC (Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation) of Singapore launched a new brand and products specifically for consumers of Generation Y.
The OCBC responded with the launch of two pilot agencies Frank format on university campuses, modeled after the typical experience in establishments such as outlets and electronics stores frequented by young people. Frank agencies, clients are encouraged to spend time to understand how much needed to see, touch and ask questions about banking products and services of interest. The store was built to facilitate the responses as a pop-up in shopping malls frequented by consumers of Gen Y.

The bank's products were also designed keeping in mind the age of the segment, with credit cards and debit cards with over 100 models of personalized, targeted at young people. Much like the layout ringtones in mobile phones, customers can choose to change at any time, by paying a small fee.

The cards offer discounts and privileges at popular shopping malls and virtual shops of fashion blogs, with growing advantages for group purchasing.

In current accounts, customers can create sub accounts - or "savings pots" - to channel resources to different financial goals to be achieved.

social networking tools were also seized in channel Frank's internet banking, with single user interface to connect to Facebook and resources being actively encouraged.

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Valor Economico 01/06/2011 - Vanessa Adachi and Aline Lima
The victory of the Bank of Brazil yesterday, the auction to operate the Postal Bank and to use the 6,195 post offices and correspondent banks marks only the first round of a fight that starts now and opposes a federal bank and Bradesco, which until the end of the year continues to be the contract holder. The contest will take place around the approximately 5 million customers that Bradesco won the last nine years as operator of the Postal Bank. BB, on the other hand, the goal will steal many customers can. The network of post office still has a potential expansion of the depositors, but the BB will have to conquer at least part of those who today carry a card with the Bradesco brand if you want to maximize your results with the new business.

Bradesco know that inevitably lose some customers, because the BB has in its favor the fact that depositors are accustomed to service in the shops of the Post Office. Although

count with the possibility of losing the auction, the main scenario of Bradesco was the renewal of the contract. To mount its counteroffensive, the bank holds the seven key all the intelligence of the operation of Banco Postal, with the details of which stores are most profitable and which are not worth it. This information has not the Post Office.

Over the past year, Bradesco has built a network of correspondent banks - including bakeries, pharmacies and other stores - parallel to the post office. Only in the first quarter of 2011, the bank entered into partnership with the corresponding 1545, totaling 27,649 points in the network called Bradesco Expresso. Few municipalities outside this network.

Still, now you need to resize the network, increasing service points - often with opening of bank branches itself.
BB won the auction with a proposal to pay $ 2.3 billion, plus a fixed amount of $ 500 million to operate the network of post offices, totaling R $ 2.8 billion. Will also have to pass to the post office every half year of revenue from banking fees. Bradesco reached a bid of $ 2.25 billion in the auction. Although he lost by only $ 50 million, the private bank added $ 700 million on its original proposal. From there, estimated that the gains do not outweigh investment.

common shares of BB fell 0.88% and the preferred Bradesco rose 0.51%.

Analysts at Barclays and Fabio Roberto Attuch Zagatti say in the report, being convinced that market participants would prefer that the BB would have used the equity in the business rather than seek a new front. "Bradesco had in the past ten years, the opportunity to gain exclusive access to behavioral information, allowing you to gather as much data as possible to properly identify the customer map and postal bank more appropriate (and profitable) insurance products and to the demands of each region, "he emphasized. "The Bank Brazil, on the other hand, you have to start 'from scratch' and obviously will take some time to pack. "

At least the first year of operation of the contract with BB, the Post should see the transfer of revenues rates fall, although the announcement of the auction embed an average increase of approximately 40% of values \u200b\u200btoday charged in the Postal Bank.
Just because you start to operate the network of correspondents without customers, it will take time for the BB range the level of transfer practiced today by Bradesco. Currently, the Post receives about $ 350 million per year in fees, and with the adjustment, revenue would almost $ 500 million, since they retained the same basic customers.

Bradesco and BB did not grant interviews to comment on the outcome of the auction until the time of writing. In fact

sent to the relevant Securities Commission (CVM), the BB says, "Through this investment, the Bank of Brazil anticipates the implementation of strategic plan that aims to extend its service points for all municipalities." The analysts, executives of BB estimated that the payment by the Postal Bank will affect its rate of Basel negatively in only eight basis points. The bank ended the first quarter with a rate of 14.1%.

During the three months prior to the bidding Postal Bank, the executives of the Bank of Brazil sought to address the issue with apparent indifference. President Aldemir Bendine even said it had "not much interest" in the concession. Argued that BB was well served by their own base of correspondents and had a plan to be present in all municipalities by 2015, using a compact model agency. Pure misdirection.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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And opposing BB BRADESCO

Economic Journal 01/06/2011 Brazil - Ana Paula Ribeiro and Vanessa Correia

already in fear of losing the administration of the Postal Bank, and thus the presence of 100% of Brazilian municipalities, Bradesco has accelerated in recent months open points care in places where the stores only had the post office to serve the public.
According to the institution, with the recent openings of Expresso and advanced service centers, which have lower implementation costs than a traditional agency, Bradesco follows with presence in all municipalities, even with the loss of the Post in January.

EM10-year partnership, the bank opened 11 million accounts in the premises of the Post Office - these account holders remain as clients of Bradesco, even with the end of the partnership. These clients, 93% earn up to three minimum wages and nearly 80% by a salary, according to information from Postal and Telegraph Company (ECT).

"The Bank of Brazil will have to make heavy investment, if you want to attract customers who were loyal by Bradesco in 10-year relationship," says Erivelton Rodrigues, president of Austin Rating.

For him, Bradesco bet on partnerships with retailers in addition to opening of ATMs (BAPs) - whose cost is less than the opening of traditional agencies - to maintain its presence in the municipalities identified as profitable. "During the partnership with the Postal Bank, Bradesco was able to identify the municipalities that generate a higher volume of operations and, of course, use this information to counteract the rise of the BB in small towns."

Francisco Kops, an analyst at financial sector Planner Brokers, believes that the coup was led by Bradesco hard. "In contrast, the Bank of Brazil will have to monetize the operation to show it was worth paying a price by the active high, "said Kops. Already

Itaú's strategy was difficult to understand. "The only reason which explains this offer of $ 0.01 is to press competitors to bid higher. Bradesco would not have presented the initial value if he thought that Itaú will not participate, "said Roberts, of Austin.

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BRADESCO be expected with

Exame 01/06/2011 - Tatiana Vaz

A company the size of TAM, the largest airline in the country with a turnover of 12 billion reais and 44.5% market share, open the capital of a of its units - in this case, the loyalty program - seemed a shoo. Built in 2009, Multiplus had 6 million customers and partnerships with over 120 companies at the time of its IPO in February 2010. The operation, however, left much to be desired. Were captured in the bag 692 million, 5.35% less than the minimum set by company executives and by BTG, the bank that coordinated the operation. At the time, the performance was explained by the hangover from the crisis in markets worldwide, and especially because the Multiplus present a unique business model in Brazil and still difficult to explain to investors and consumers: the points acquired by shopping in certain establishments or mileage of TAM could be exchanged either by passages as, say, for claims on cell Shortly over a year since the IPO, it seems that the doubts about the company vanished. At least with regard to investors. With just over 90 employees, Multiplus grossed 1.1 billion dollars in 2010 and valued roles astounding 107.8% from the IPO until the first fortnight of May this year. In the same period, the Bovespa rose 2%. Today, its market value nearing 5.2 billion dollars, close to the parent company, TAM, valued at 5.3 billion. "Investors finally realized how our business," says Eduardo Gouveia, president of Multiplus. Not Earlier this year, the pace of expansion remained strong. Between January and March, the company closed another 20 partnerships, including five coalition - the largest have been the site of Ponto Frio, a drugstore chain Droga Raia and to BM & F Bovespa. The alliances have attracted 300,000 more "partners". "By partnering with companies of different fields, Multiplus to dilute the risk of basing their business only in exchange for tickets, "said Luciano Campos, an analyst at HSBC." It is a system quite different from the traditional loyalty programs. "

The business model is Multiplus very similar to Canada's Aeroplan loyalty arm of Air Canada, which went public in 2005 and now worth five times more than the parent. The most visible difference between the two programs is that here is a TAM slightly less weight as the first option to exchange points - 28% of revenue comes from Multiplus rescue by scoring tickets. In Canada the rate is 37%. Still, almost Multiplus symbiosis between TAM and worries. "A slice of revenue for the TAM Multiplus seems small, but represents a lot in terms of costs," says Marcello Gunther, airline analyst at Banco Safra. In 2010, the cost of tickets accounted for 99% of the expenses of Multiplus in exchanging points, a total of 273 million reais. The situation may worsen. The batch of tickets purchased by Multiplus must end before the IPO in October - and nobody knows for sure what price to sell TAM related to new passages. "The Multiplus today faces a dilemma," says Gunther. "The exchange of tickets is still its major draw, something that she can not do without. On the other hand, this kind of press award costs too much. "

Until now expanding Multiplus is favored by the near absence of competition - a situation that must change dramatically from the second half. The Dotz, who 11 years ago serves as a loyalty program online and already has 2 million registered customers, closed in late 2009 a partnership with Banco do Brazil and Cielo to extend services to the world "offline." Beginning in July, participants of the program in Central Region West of the country can exchange their points "virtual" products and services by about 50 establishments, including the network of stations and Ale chain of fast Bob's food. Later this year, four other capitals, and cities of the interior of Sao Paulo, must rely on the service. Since October 2009, Dotz has been testing the program in Belo Horizonte. "In just over a year, in Dotz added 25,000 new customers in the city," says Marcello Farrell, director of the Bob's brand. The Advantage program, the joint promotion WebPartners, will also enter the fray. In May, the company made an agreement with Cielo points to account for establishments in 1000 in Brasilia and Goiania. Faced with the threat of competition, Multiplus has sought new partnerships. The most recent was Redecard. The agreement, struck in September, will allow the accumulation points at restaurants in the state capital. Maintaining growth is the only way to Multiplus continue to shine in the bag.

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Valor Economico 01/06/2011 - Beth Koike

After the success of Multiplus, loyalty programs now landed hard on the working class. Cia Bozano, shareholder of Embraer and Blue, and a group of seven marketing executives this month launched a loyalty program that focuses public. "The score does not expire NETPoints. The difficulty of the working class, which does high-value purchases, you redeem your points credit card before the time limit expires. At the same time the working class is increasingly traveling aircraft and aims to achieve passage through loyalty programs, "said Carlos Formigari, president and partner of NETPoints. Until January, was chief executive Formigari Assist the time and previously worked in the credit cards of Unibanco. The

NETPoints is receiving an investment of approximately $ 10 million for development of the platform and social networking, and marketing - considered essential tool in this segment. Cia Bozano, which holds 30% stake in the company, made the main contribution of the technology investment NETPoints.

Other differentials to attract NETPoints adopted by the working class is able to transfer points to friends, accumulating points in physical facilities and offer services such as towing and locksmith, for example, to its users. The executive believes

that the greatest interest will be for airline tickets and travel packages, but also NETPoints points can be redeemed for products such as electronics, home appliances, mobile credit, books, and other items that tend to attract Internet buyers.

Even with Cia Bozano being a shareholder of Blue and NETPoints, Formigari ensures that users of the program can redeem tickets from other airlines. A travel agency, whose name was not disclosed, will be responsible for negotiating. In Multiplus, whose main shareholder is the holding company TAM SA, the tickets are always TAM or international partner companies.

One challenge will be conquering the NETPoints partner since Multiplus already have exclusive contracts with several companies. Another competitor in

NETPoints is Dotz loyalty program, created 11 years ago for the public and that premium is now turning their attention to the new middle class. "In 2000, only high-income people have computers and our performance was just the internet. Now, many people have web access and we also have partnerships with physical stores," said Robert Chad, President of Dotz, which has as partner LoyaltyOne Canadian loyalty program and has partnered with the Bank of Brazil.

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DCI 01/06/2011 - Panorama Brazil

The Boa Vista Services, a company that provides information for analyzing credit risk, announced today that it has completed the transaction to take over the operations of Equifax do Brazil Ltda. Today, executives from both companies will give a press conference to give details of the deal.
Services will now, among its shareholders, with Equifax Inc., based in Atlanta (USA) and with presence in Brazil since 1988. Equifax Inc. joins the group of shareholders who founded the company in November 2010 Trade Association (ACSP), the parent, the Commercial Association of Paraná; Store Directors Club of Rio de Janeiro; Chamber of Shopkeepers TMG Capital Porto Alegre, this manager as a shareholder. With its entrance into the corporate, Equifax will have a seat on the Board.

Negotiations were conducted by TMG Capital and unification operations take place under the brand of Boa Vista Services.

"The Trade Association (ACSP) account 116 years of experience with the activities of Brazilian trade and is convinced that the modern corporate structure and we apply to our business activity credit information is the answer to customers and partners need, "said Roger Amato, president of the organization.

"We agree with this revolution that mobilizes the credit, now enhanced with the creation and consolidation of the positive mass of e-commerce," says Luis Francisco Viana Novelli, president of TMG Capital.

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Online portal Value 31 / 05/2011 - Rafael Bitencourt

The Brazilian Post Office (ECT), the Post concluded, recently the selection of the financial institution that will act in partnership with the state over the next five years, the provision of banking services through Banco Postal. The bank was the winner of Brazil Bank which submitted the bid of $ 2.3 billion. By
According to the rules of the tender, the bids should be established by the "Value of Access to Basic Business", which had no minimum limit. However, this figure does not include $ 500 million to be paid for the use of post offices and the transfers on the service fees over the term of the contract - currently estimated at $ 350 million per year.

were entered in the bidding Bank of Brazil, Caixa Economica Federal, Bradesco and Itau. Once the first phase, Itaú was downgraded to submit a bid of $ 0.01. At the time, remained in contention the Bank of Brazil, with $ 1 billion bid, Bradesco, with R $ 1.55 billion and cash, with $ 1.2 billion to submit figures by envelopes.

the second round of bidding, the bids were made in speakerphone. The box gave up the contest in the fifth round, at which time the bids were approaching the level of R $ 2 billion. The definition of the winner was only in the 12th round, when he presented the winning bid. The last proposal of Bradesco was R $ 2.25 billion, in the 11th round.

The Post limited the participation of small financial institutions to require participants to certify the total assets less than U.S. $ 21.6 billion and shareholders equity of at least $ 2.16 billion recorded in balance.

The Postal Bank is seen by participants of the bidding process as an opportunity to expand the service network through mail. The services listed in the bidding range from opening checking and savings accounts through withdrawals and benefit payments from Social Security, light and water bills by credit card solicitations, and loans to foreign exchange transactions.

The return of the investment bank hired involve the use of all technology and operational platform of 6,195 post offices that already rely on the Postal Bank. The value corresponds to the right to use these agencies should correspond be paid early in the operation of the service on January 2, 2012.

Proposals commercial companies were formed by the value set by the post office for the Banco Postal branches, plus the value of access to basic business, which must be paid within 10 days after signing the contract, and, finally, the tariffs corresponding to services that are itemized in table service of the tender document and is estimated in the current with Bradesco in about $ 350 million per year.

According to the Post Office advice, Bradesco knocked down 10 years ago the Postal Bank contract with a vendor bid of $ 200 million, the round single tender. At the time, the value exceeded by almost three times the runner's proposal, then the Itaú.