Saturday, February 6, 2010

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In the area of \u200b\u200bMt Kulerkami:)

It was spontaneous, but how will miluchny sleza trip to the Kulerkami. We are gathered around the 13-hour and after we left the slippery roads Sulistowiczek page. The weather was beautiful although frosty mercilessly. Thermometers showed today, about minus 17 degrees ... brrr ... the winters are long remember. However, as we see that even the cold and winter weather did not discourage us to the short trip to the vicinity of Mt. Zakladalimy short walk, but the views were so angelic, and the mood so positive, with a short walk in the woods turned into a three-hour walk. It was super .. but what is surprising ... time with Kulerkami is always there:):)


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