Sunday, January 24, 2010

What Happens When A Hurnia Ruptures

Szrenica .... snow, snow, snow ....


It was an amazing trip ... totally spontaneous, because of Toska goin 'out until about eleven o'clock on the previous evening ... but how will zadowlajacy. Of course we went to a foot and it probably was the greatest fun. Tram 17 arrived in the streets Karkonoska, where the disused bus started to swing the crayfish with the hope of a lift. Recently we were able in a few minutes, but this time it was already a bit harder. All cars mknely like crazy, and we machalysmy. After about half an hour managed to ... what's interesting at the same time Stanely two samochody.Co most fun wsiadlymsy to less korztnego for us ... you are driving down to the lawn, and so not quite in the direction nszym J . Well, but well, drove us to the exit the highway, where already another with ease zlapalysy kazje over two minutes. And this is the same, that I encountered we now support on Karkonoska. The Lord went to tank and caught us already here. Super. The friendly driver turned out to be the breeder of horses and headed in the direction of Zgorzelec. Only part of the route, however, we overlap, but as it okreslilysmy later, after all used this to "do us a ride J ... but what is surprising since the branch is close to his heart koniarska J zwodowy As a driver for the change of 'em our route and where to travel to Boleslawiec allegedly supposed to be only 25 km to Jelenia Gora. As it turned out it was almost 60 so the road is certainly not turned out August abbreviation J blew us on the highway in Boleslawiec, where, after the great drifts of Toska przedzieralysmy the normal way. Fortunately, even without waving stopped two nice boys, who transported us through the entire Badin and blew on the way to the deer. We stood at the bus stop and we had PKSu hope it does appear some car ... unfortunately, Sunday, early time ... so what is surprising, as the streets empty. After some 10 minuach occurred, lost sheep, which proposed a drive to oddalonegoo 10 km Lwówek .. hmmm .. only now what a way uswiadamialysmy nadrobilysmy and what adventures await us yet. The next stop Lwowek, Hilek a stroll and smile again fate. This time the old man returning from Berlin after odwiezieniu daughter on the plane. Nice nice, willing to talk ... and we satisfied that we can go further. Amiable grandfather drove us to the roundabout at Jelenia Gora and already there waiting for us at the last straight to Glass. Problems was not, after a short time stopped you from Swidnica nice, who threw to the center of Glass. In addition, invited to visit the Sailing Club, whom is a part.

After getting to Szklarska immediately set off in the way-red trail, the waterfall Szklarki. Views and surroundings were amazing. snow covered every piece of land, every twig, every pien ... almost like a land of snow overcast white fluff. layer of snow hid under a thick layer of ice that made every move every step could be a contributory factor soft landing on the ground. However, it was beautifully. main trail we went, I was just so open. After about an hour into the Hall doslysmy Szrenicka. Although the sky was overcast layer of clouds views przyprawialy heart beat faster. The area covered with snow down seemed to be the Heavenly paradise. For this the silence, emptiness .. Wonderfully. The Hall approach to Szrenica short, the way a photo session with the hats of snow .. it was idyllic, so carelessly. Then posiedzialysmy in a hostel for Szrenica, where in addition to disco music negatively hit me the picture balloons, streamers and the whole rest of the trinkets, which posylwestrowo przystrajaly shelter. Somehow I was shocked gdzyz shelter should have your hill charm, a special mountain setting, not a commercial appearance. However, we did not instantly warm, so it compensated for any aesthetic flaws J . Around hour 2 nd decided to hit the road down, of course, broke down an idea to go down by the hostel at Łabskim Summit, which meant descending longer run, in large drifts. But that was not so simple we had to also make mistakes. The whole joy of the beautiful views, skierowalysmy our steps into extract, and there by mistake nartrostada chcialysysie get to go down. The adventure was great, because the snow almost to the waist, nieprzetarty trail, so it apparently turned something happen. Unfortunately, at some point the snow was already so much, and pointing sticks on the trail over, enlightened us, for sure zbladzilysmy and it is not the way which you poszukiwalysmy. Quick decision to return and again in August to Szrenica piełyśmy wading in the snow after the thigh J Was przesympatycznie. Vlas Edelstahlsonne occurred, the clouds parted the sky, and before our eyes appeared to wonderful views of the boilers. Ahhh ... idyllic.

After a moment the descent of the narrow trail Szrenica odnalazlymy by snow-capped mountain pines toward the hostel of Łabskim Summit. Descent is attracted to the August, however, mercilessly. Then the shelter hour move down to the glass and we went on the spot. Last schodzilysmy already half an hour after dark, but it is an added charm to the whole wypadowi.

Because it was relatively early in Szklarska we went to a small bar just near the station, where upajalysmy Aug. delicious coffee and cappuccino. In the end, for such a wonderful day, some sort of reward for us in August nalezela J . Then fast decision - we catch a bus to Wroclaw, or go on foot. Of course this second option, as usual, she won J Unfortunately, as the late hour consented darkness everywhere, a great darkness ... zeszlymy some 2 miles down the road to Jelenia. Unfortunately the bus bay, where the catching ustawilysmy August, was at a bend in the ziemnosci, with not surprised that during the first 20 minutes, we were able to do catch. Only przesympatyczny snowboard instructor-Sebastian, because of their experience of going on foot, and suggested przychamowal ride. He was so nice that drove us to the same wylotowke at Wroclaw in Jelenia Gora, which certainly was not him so I can see the drodze.Jak password "Stopowicze Total world unite" won J . In Jelenia czekalymsy not stopped a long time .. the first car, what we Mijal. Przesympatycznych two miners from Auschwitz, who infected us with his enthusiasm and admiration for poslkiego work in mining and kicked. They talked about it with such engagement, such admiration, that until it was hard to believe it comparing the television reports of the Polish mining industry. However, the road milder us incredibly fast, and already a 20-th we went in Wroclaw. Although the boys rode on autrostrada arrived and entered the Bielany piece to Wroclaw, to facilitate our communication. Which is nice, right?? The whole day can

was beautiful, not thought about anything, do not stress about August .... I just delighted in the views, snow, milycm companionship and adventure ... Beautifully ...

And tomorrow the first day of work .. after two years ... what will ???:)


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