Thursday, December 31, 2009

Incontinence Swimwear $

on White on ice and snow:):)

This is one of the most spontaneous ideas. I woke up at night, I could not sleep ... and suddenly it dawned thought ... maybe just to go to the hill since it does not sleep:):) Well, yes somehow came out ... quick packing, small breakfast 'in a way. I caught a morning bus to Karpacz and I spent the whole day can be in our beautiful Giant. Initially, the green trail (road Bonka Czech) from the White Jar on here .. Sunflowers was przepieknie.brak people, snow around. In the upper part of the route I had to even enjoy themselves in rubbing the trail ... but whatever:) a cauldron of the Great Pond trail a bit zmienial tour .... danger of avalanches caused that one had a bit to make up the route, but nothing wrong with that ... it was beautifully, snow, beautiful Edelstahlsonne ... ahhhh .. until you wanted to run. Then
still only entrance to the White .. but rather run the White, because the time was already niewiele.Widoki were marvelous ... but unfortunately the batteries in the cold this wysiadaly: ( However
widoczki been on my mind:)
Descent was also interesting, because instead of going the shortest route by Kope (as did all people) podreptalam the thatched roof and a yellow trail down ... to Karpacz already walked down the dark ... but it was beautiful and worth every effort:)
Przecudowny day can:)


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